There are several opinions out there in the AmSpirit Business Connections community on the importance of core groups. Some think they can't exist without them. I think they're less important than a lot of others.
Why do I think that? I think of my entire chapter as my core group. If I thought for one minute that as the owner of a web development company, I could only count on leads from the printer or the advertising firm in my chapter, I'd lose.
Every time I hear a mortgage person or title company (I'm not picking on real estate, it's just a clearly defined core group) say, "I'm looking to switch chapters because I don't get any leads from the realtor in the group", it makes me cringe. What they're really saying to me is, "I really want to focus on low-hanging fruit that doesn't require me to put in a lot of effort to receive referrals."
If they truly thought that the realtor or title person were the only referral sources, why not pick one realtor and one title person and go to lunch with them every week and leave the rest of the chapter alone? That way the chapter could focus on recruiting members who completely understand the power of networking with everybody, not just their core group.
Don't misconstrue what I'm getting at here. Core groups can be very beneficial, but they need not take precedence over building solid referral relationships with everyone in your chapter. I view them as a side benefit, not the primary benefit.
You may disagree, but think about it. Which would you prefer? A room full of referral partners, or two core group partners?
Why do I think that? I think of my entire chapter as my core group. If I thought for one minute that as the owner of a web development company, I could only count on leads from the printer or the advertising firm in my chapter, I'd lose.
Every time I hear a mortgage person or title company (I'm not picking on real estate, it's just a clearly defined core group) say, "I'm looking to switch chapters because I don't get any leads from the realtor in the group", it makes me cringe. What they're really saying to me is, "I really want to focus on low-hanging fruit that doesn't require me to put in a lot of effort to receive referrals."
If they truly thought that the realtor or title person were the only referral sources, why not pick one realtor and one title person and go to lunch with them every week and leave the rest of the chapter alone? That way the chapter could focus on recruiting members who completely understand the power of networking with everybody, not just their core group.
Don't misconstrue what I'm getting at here. Core groups can be very beneficial, but they need not take precedence over building solid referral relationships with everyone in your chapter. I view them as a side benefit, not the primary benefit.
You may disagree, but think about it. Which would you prefer? A room full of referral partners, or two core group partners?