All chapters in AmSpirit Business Connections WANT to be successful. The hard part is putting forth the effort to make it happen. Frank Agin often says, 'be the person you want to network with'. What if everyone in your chapter behaved that way?
It'd be great! Wouldn't it? So many chapters allow people to join who really should be screened a bit before taking a vote. It's so much more difficult to remove a bad member than it is to approve their membership in the first place.
Cultures are created by the collective behavior of your chapter. I'm proud of my chapter, the Towne Centre Chapter, because we are doing so well in inviting guests. In fact, so far in 2009 we have had at least 1 guest at every meeting this year. I have not heard of another chapter being able to make such a claim. By writing this, I hope I do not 'jinx' us.
While we have lots of guests, it is no guarantee that anyone submitting an application is automatically approved. We absolutely want to grow our membership, but with the right people on board.
If your chapter is not performing well (having guests, giving referrals, having great attendance, etc.) think about how much you screened members before they were approved. Having a strong mentoring program in place will help turn mediocre members into great members too. But if you do not screen applicants and do not mentor existing members your chapter is going to fall short of being a great chapter.
Rely on your Area Director for advice or help to turn things around. That's what we're here for, to help your chapters be successful. If your AD is not helpful, don't settle. Communicate with AmSpirit HQ to see if there are other resources to help (other ADs). I know I've not always hit it off with all my chapters, but those I currently support do know that I only have their best interests in mind, not my own. I know that their success will contribute to my success as well.
Remember, if you attract the best people and then mentor those who can be developed you will have great results in your chapter. Trust the process and success will follow.