Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Just One Thought...

To be the most successful person you can possibly be, you only need to remind yourself of one single solitary thought when you meet with another person. That thought is actually a question you must ask yourself and it is this:

"How can I help this person and bring value to them?" That's it. Nothing else.

As an AmSpirit Business Connections member, that thought could lead to:

  • Inviting them to visit your chapter thereby helping that person build their network and potential business referrals.
  • Finding out if the person you're meeting with has a need for a product or service offered by one of your chapter members.
The quality of your business relationships will exponentially grow when you are perceived as a resource by others as opposed to 'that sales person' working for ABC Company.

It's not that difficult to give referrals, get referrals, and build your chapter membership if every person in the chapter adopted this same mindset.

If you train yourself to always ask that simple question when meeting others, you'll be 'paying forward' just like the legendary Ohio State football Coach Woodie Hayes often was quoted as saying.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

What Makes a Great AmSpirit Business Connections Chapter?

With so many chapters in AmSpirit Business Connections, and the fact that each chapter has rosters large, small, and in between it can sometimes be difficult to exactly determine why some chapters flourish and others tread water.

I'd like to spark some healthy debate on this forum. This is your chance to 'tell it like it is', but be professional. I'm not going to post comments if I deem them to be inappropriate. As an Area Director, I am helping 8 chapters throughout the year as a mentor and 'coach' of sorts. I see common traits in chapters that succeed and those that do not. However, it is so much more powerful for individual members to see those traits.

I'd love to hear the perspectives of as many members as possible. The leadership of AmSpirit Business Connections meets regularly to discuss ways to improve the organization. I'd rather hear from the members what works for them and what they'd like to see improved upon. I'm afraid we rely too much on our own personal assumptions without hard evidence to back it up.

If you take a few moments to read any of my prior 'posts' to this blog, you'll read my thoughts on what it takes to be a productive member as well as a productive chapter. I look forward to reading what everyone has to say! If you'd like to leave a comment, just click on the 'comments' link next to my name at the bottom of this 'post'.

One last thought...Go Bucks! Beat Michigan!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Do Not Accept Mediocrity...Part II

Have high expectations for everyone in your network and chapter. If you're a leader of your particular AmSpirit Business Connections Chapter, ensure everyone carries out their responsibilities the right way. If you see something being done incorrectly or not at all, don't ignore it.

Pull the person aside and ask them if they need help in carrying out their duties as an officer of the chapter. If they do not know their role in the chapter, refer them to the chapter guide which is available on the AmSpirit Business Connections web site. Small tasks make a big difference. Encourage the Secretaries of your chapter to file a report every month so that all business referrals are tracked. It is the best evidence that your chapter delivers results. If they do not know the procedure, review it with them or ask your Area Director for guidance.

If you let others cut corners or skip procedures altogether, you are settling for mediocrity which in turn will erode your chapter's ability to gain more members and generate more referrals for one another.

Too often we can focus our attention on 'getting more members' without paying attention to our collective referral giving. If a large number of referrals are generated, the membership numbers will be easier to build upon. If a guest visits your chapter and sees 70-80 referrals generated each month on your Monthly Newsletter, do you think they'd be interested in becoming a member?

Extend Yourself

In order to develop a large network of contacts, you have to be willing to extend yourself to many different networking functions. Many opportunities are available every single month for you to get involved beyond just belonging to your local chapter of AmSpirit Business Connections.

If you network well throughout the AmSpirit Business Connections organization, don't just stop there. If you do, you'll eventually have a 'closed network'. A closed network, meaning that everyone you know will know the same people thereby limiting your ability to meet new people.

There are hundreds of associations in Central Ohio. Do a search on Google to find out more information or visit your local library and have the reference desk help you. Ask others in AmSpirit what other groups they may visit or belong to as members.

Just do not limit yourself with a small network. If you find that you aren't getting enough referrals for your business, ask yourself how much time you've invested in building a quality network?