To be the most successful person you can possibly be, you only need to remind yourself of one single solitary thought when you meet with another person. That thought is actually a question you must ask yourself and it is this:
"How can I help this person and bring value to them?" That's it. Nothing else.
As an AmSpirit Business Connections member, that thought could lead to:
"How can I help this person and bring value to them?" That's it. Nothing else.
As an AmSpirit Business Connections member, that thought could lead to:
- Inviting them to visit your chapter thereby helping that person build their network and potential business referrals.
- Finding out if the person you're meeting with has a need for a product or service offered by one of your chapter members.
The quality of your business relationships will exponentially grow when you are perceived as a resource by others as opposed to 'that sales person' working for ABC Company.
It's not that difficult to give referrals, get referrals, and build your chapter membership if every person in the chapter adopted this same mindset.
If you train yourself to always ask that simple question when meeting others, you'll be 'paying forward' just like the legendary Ohio State football Coach Woodie Hayes often was quoted as saying.
It's not that difficult to give referrals, get referrals, and build your chapter membership if every person in the chapter adopted this same mindset.
If you train yourself to always ask that simple question when meeting others, you'll be 'paying forward' just like the legendary Ohio State football Coach Woodie Hayes often was quoted as saying.
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