Sunday, July 6, 2008

Try New Approaches

We're half way through 2008. In looking back at the first half of the year, how would you rate your personal networking efforts and those of your chapter's? If you are dissatisfied with either, it's not too late to turn things around in the second half.

Sometimes it is the little things that will lead to greater success in AmSpirit Business Connections. Maybe try something a bit different like some of the following:

  • Visit another chapter. Pick one that does not have your category represented if possible. Why not build relationships across chapters? If your category is very popular, then just go to the other chapter to see if you can learn one new thing to take back to your own chapter.
  • Ask someone to go to lunch that you haven't met before from another chapter, or pick someone from your own chapter that you haven't been able to spend any one-on-one time with for a long time.
  • Find another networking event this month to attend that is not AmSpirit-related. Maybe you'll find a person to invite to your chapter, or maybe a contact for someone else in your chapter.
There are lots of opportunities to change your networking efforts in another direction. If you're 'stuck', break out of your rut with a new activity. It just might jump-start the second half of your year!

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