Monday, January 5, 2009

Here are some tips for 2009!

By now most of us have settled back into a regular work routine. Isn't it nice to have a Monday with regular hours again? I guess I need the structure of a work week to get me focused and have the ability to get done all the things that are important for my business and my life.

Ever notice that AmSpirit Chapters with the most structure more often than not also have:
  • larger member rosters
  • more referrals generated
  • more enthusiasm
Has anyone ever visited a chapter with little or no structure that has any of these 3 items above? I know I haven't. Let's all commit to rolling up our collective sleeves, helping fellow members, and putting our best networking efforts into our chapters in 2009.

Here is a link to an article that I thought was truly insightful as well as entertaining. Do you recognize any of the behaviors listed in this article? Let's all be aware and not fall into any of these behaviors ever.

Enjoy this article. I know that I did.

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